AN-EL, as a responsible employer and a good organization, strives to develop and produce products that will perform the functions of electrical devices that do not jeopardize human life. All our activities should be conducted with the main idea of “sustainability in compliance with both human rights, occupational health and safety provisions and environmental provisions.
It is the responsibility of all employees and management to ensure compliance with the Code of Business Ethics. In cases of non-compliance, employees are encouraged to report such non-compliance to the responsible persons in the relevant unit and are expected to do so. It is also assured that there will be no retaliation or other adverse effects. These Code of Business Ethics are mandatory rules for our employees in all fields of activity and for other stakeholders, especially our suppliers.
AN-EL and its suppliers shall act in full compliance with laws and regulations relating to activity and employment. Suppliers will also agree to comply with these rules.
Child Labour cannot be employed in any way. At appropriate jobs (summer work - internship, etc.) young workers (who are over the age of 16) can be employed. For minors, management is responsible for providing the appropriate working conditions, working hours and age-appropriate salary under applicable law.
Forced or involuntary labour is not tolerated in any form. This includes any form of employment other than a person's own will or choice. The employee is obliged to perform the works specified in his / her employment contract.
A safe and healthy working environment will be provided to all employees. The employer should take appropriate measures to prevent work accidents or occupational diseases. The employee is obliged to protect his / her health and to care about the continuity of work.
An-El recognizes and respects cultural differences. Nevertheless, all employees shall be treated strictly according to his or her abilities and qualifications in any employment decisions, including but not limited to hiring, advancement, compensation, benefits, training, layoffs and termination.
No employee shall be subject to physical punishment or physical sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.
AN-EL regulates working hours for all employees with a time of 8 hours per day and 1 hour resting time per day. Total working time of more than 45 hours per week (excluding 270 hours overtime per year) will not be requested. Except in extraordinary business circumstances, all workers shall be entitled to at least one day off in every seven-day period.
Wages, including overtime and benefits, shall be equal to or exceed the level required by applicable law.
Environmental issues are very important and privileged for An-El employee. A holistic approach is applied with the objective to minimize the environmental impact from production, product use and disposal. The unit shall take appropriate actions to address all relevant environmental impacts, including emissions, waste and resource consumption. A management system shall be in place, aimed to continuously improve the units’ environmental standards and performance.
As expected from a good customer, we act respectfully, fairly and ensure the necessary care to fulfil obligations on time. We carefully protect confidential information about people, our business partners and organizations that we do business with.
Employees do not accept any gifts or benefits which affect their neutrality, decisions or behaviour, do not attempt to offer gifts and benefits to the third person or institution which can cause such effects. The top management defines which kind of gifts and promotions can be given to third persons. Advertisement and promotional gifts should not be for personal use.
It is a common responsibility of our companies and employees to share and in this process to keep all information confidential which can create a competitive disadvantage, trade secrets, financial and other information which are not yet disclosed to the public, the use of staff privacy information and information within this framework signed "confidentiality agreements" with third parties. We share this information only with relevant persons within the authorizations.
We are committed not to purchase materials which we know contain conflict minerals that may contribute to human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo or an adjoining country. An-El expects all its suppliers to provide the origin of tungsten, tantalum, tin and gold (3TGs) and implement controls in their supply chain as well.
Management is responsible to inform employees about these rules, rights, duties and responsibilities and responsible to implement them. Management self and suppliers are responsible for ensuring adequate documentation to demonstrate compliance with these rules. Those who violate the Code of Ethics or the Company’s policies and procedures need to be subject to discipline, including termination of employment. Disciplinary sanctions will be applied also to the persons who confirm, direct the inappropriate behaviours and actions cause violation of the rules or who are aware of the situation without doing the necessary notification accordingly.
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